When it comes to the social world, or more specifically, the online social media sites, it’s not that to create an image of yourself. In fact, oftentimes we do so without even realizing it, which is why if you want to get people to hit on you, then it’s important that you’re taking care of the message you’re sending out to the world, and that it’s a positive one that’s going to get you noticed by men and women. So then, how are you going to do it? What is the secret?
Hey everyone Samridhi Mishra here. And today I’m going to talk to you about something that is such a prominent issue in today’s day and age, and yet so many of us aren’t realizing so. And that’s how to design social media pages that are going to resonate well with everyone. In other words, it’s creating Facebook and Instagram profiles that are going to get you to hit on! Now while this may sound like quite the challenge, don’t panic. I’ve broken the process down into four easy to follow steps, so once
1. Choose the right photos
Choose the right photos Now this is an obvious one, but you’d be shocked at how often I come across photos of man or woman that make my head spin. I can’t figure out why anyone would share them on their social pages, especially when they’re looking to catch people's eye! So, when it comes to choosing the right photo, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First of all, make sure not all photos of yours on Instagram and Facebook are with others, your friends Before I elaborate on this though, I want to be straightforward and say that you should not have photos of yourself with your ex's and all. If you love the photo of you, crop him /her out, it will do wonders for your odds of getting people's attention. This may sound insensitive, but you have to consider your priorities here.
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about friend photos. While it’s great to have some friend pics on your social sites, it’s important that potential suitors know who YOU ARE in the photo. If you and the same three girls are in every photo that you post, then how is he going to be able to pick you out of the bunch? Make sure that you have at least a couple of photos that are just you. Now when it comes to the photos of you and only you, make sure that these aren’t all selfies.
As you probably know by this point, selfies are arguably the world’s most annoying habit — that’s not me saying so, but just think for a moment how much of a bashing they take. So then be sure that the photos you do most of you are not all ones you’ve taken yourself, with your camera held overhead, and instead make sure your photos are interesting! No man is going to be excited by seeing the same photo again and again.
What will catch his eye however are creative shots in cool places. Do you have any pictures from a trip you’ve taken or a memorable event you attended? Use those instead, it not only helps you to stand out, but these can also serve as a great ice breaker or conversation starter! And for the love of all things holy, do not use duckface photos or share photos that reveal far too much of your lady goods.
Keeping these to his imagination will take you much farther than that zoomed-in cleavage shot. For more tips on how to up your odds and present yourself in a way that is bound to make any man absolutely crazy about you visit my site, www.coachnorth.com, and watch the free video presentation. Believe me, you’ll be glad you di
2. Focus on the good
Focus on the good There’s so much negativity on the internet as is, so make your profile a positive space. Instead of ranting about the injustices of the world or re-posting updates of horrific disasters be the beacon of light in a dark time.
This doesn’t make you insensitive or uneducated, it simply means that you realize there’s enough bad news spanning your social pages as is. Instead, choose to focus on the positive. Share the funny jokes and inspiring posts about happiness. Post your new favorite songs and about what an amazing day you had. No one loves the messenger who brings bad news.
Not to mention it won’t reflect well on your personality. You’re trying to attract men, after all, so don’t make his heart sink anytime he checks out your page. Instead, be the reason he smiles, it’ll keep him coming back for more. No matter how tough the world becomes, you should never run out of sweetness.
3. Stay active
Stay active in the real world Now this one may sound a bit odd, especially since we’re talking about how to have an attractive Facebook or Instagram, but hear me out for a moment. There are few things LESS ATTRACTIVE than someone who is completely devoured by the online world.
What’s worse is that you can tell when this happens to someone. How? Because they are posting updates 24/7! Everything they do is mirrored or mentioned online, and they don’t hesitate to post lengthy rants or stories about their days. This is something you SHOULDN’T do if you’re looking to get hit on by a man. Why? Because to be blunt, he’ll think you have no life, which is not what you want if you’re trying to get hit on. Instead, limit the number of things you post and share. Maybe it’s once every few days, or maybe it’s twice daily.
Perhaps some days you write an update, post a photo and share a song, then the next you simply sign in and leave your page well enough alone. I’m not going to give you a magic number to use here, because everyone is different and every day is different. The point I’m trying to make however is to just avoid overdoing it. He doesn’t need to know your every move, and besides, he’ll be much more intrigued when you keep him wondering about what you are up to.
4. Be yourself

Be yourself It’s really easy to find out someone who’s just posting on social media for the sake of posting. Instead of falling into this trend of mimicking other people on the internet, be your true blue self and generate your content.
The truth is, most people are searching for that needle in the haystack, someone who is not like others. So, if you will be posting the same types of photos and sharing the same type of video content what would be the chances of you standing out? Remember, if you want to make people hit on you, then you need to give them a reason to stop and stare!